Nov-2024, new publication contributed by BioControl Jena GmbH:
A. Garcia Lopez, D. Albrecht-Eckardt, G. Panagiotou, S. Schäuble: FungiFun3: systemic gene set enrichment analysis for fungal species. In: Bioinformatics, 40(11):btae620, 2024. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btae620
- Sep-2021:
Anniversary: BioControl Jena is celebrating 25 years of foundation - Nov-2019:
Long Night of the Sciences
Participation at our location
Topic: Coincidence or Pattern?
22 November 2019, Jena - Oct-2018:
Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century
24–26 October 2018, Jena - Sep-2018:
Jena excellence cluster "Balance of the Microverse" selected for funding - Nov-2017:
RIS3 Annual Meeting - Entdeckungsreise durch das Innovationsland Thüringen
28 November 2017, 1pm–7pm
Arena im Steigerwaldstadion Erfurt, Mozartallee 3, 99096 Erfurt - Sep-2017:
4th International Symposium on Systems Biology of Microbial Infection
(Co-Organisation and Contribution by BioControl Jena)
21+22 September 2017, Jena, Germany. - Jun-2017:
InfectControl 2020 Strategy Conference 2017
14–16 June 2017, Jena, Germany. - Oct-2016:
The 2016 ISGSB (International Study Group for Systems Biology) takes place in Jena and is co-organised by BioControl:
ISGSB2016 - Sep-2016:
BioControl is celebrating its 20th anniversary! - Sep-2016:
Newly designed web presence of BioControl. - Jun-2016:
Interview (german only) by bioinformatics blog BioinfoWelten:
"Bioinformatik als Dienstleistung: Wie ein Unternehmen die Wissenschaft unterstützt" - Mar-2015:
100th publication contributed to by BioControl:
J. Linde, S. Schulze, S. G. Henkel, R. Guthke:
"Data- and knowledge-based modeling of gene regulatory networks: an update." In: EXCLI Journal, 14:346–378, 2015.
doi: 10.17179/excli2015-168 - Sep-2012:
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2012
+ Satellite Workshop: "Organ-oriented Systems Biology"
(Co-Organisation by BioControl Jena)
19–22 September 2011, Jena, Germany. - Sep-2011:
1st International Workshop on Systems Biology of Microbial Infection
(Co-Organisation by BioControl Jena)
22+23 September 2011, Jena, Germany. - Mar-2011:
Entry to Roland Berger Trendatlas 2020 (pdf), an official compendium evaluating future developments of Thuringia. BioControl Jena is mentioned in the chapter "Life Sciences: Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik" as one of the companies focussing on biotechnology and bioinformatics especially in Jena. - Mar-2005:
Press release by Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena:
"Jena hat sich zum führenden Bioinformatikstandort entwickelt. Jena Centre for Bioinformatics (JCB) erhält Top-Noten und wird weiterhin vom Bund gefördert."
("Jena has become the leading place for bioinformatics. Jena Centre for Bioinformatics (JCB) receives top-level marks. Its funding by federal Germany will be continued.")
(BioControl is a JCB member.)