Systems Biology

Your Problems

In medical and biological applications, there often are questions like "How does the system behave at different conditions?" or "How can the system be manipulated?"

Answers can be given when the regulated, biochemical processes are understood by means of Systems Biology. This term means the interdisciplinary application of different methods (especially experiments and mathematical modelling) for particular investigations in the life sciences.

Major processes of interest (and specific interactions within) are metabolism, signal transduction and gene expression of biological systems. The mathematical approaches of systems biology complement the ones of bioinformatics by focussing on knowledge-based, bottom-up modelling.

Our Solutions

BioControl employs methods of mathematical systems biology in basic research and for applications like medical engineering and process optimization. Example applications comprise the analysis of metabolic processes or algorithms for the usage of micro organisms in production processes (process engineering, pharmaceutics, food technology, etc.).

Our theoretical focus for understanding system's behaviour (in particular the dynamics) is mathematical modelling, by differential equations or other appropriate approaches as well as support by statistical data analysis. These models then can be analysed (mainly by simulations) and provide certain predictions for validation. Finally, these results contribute to answering the questions mentioned above.


  • Omics analysis (Immune Response to Infections)
  • Modelling of metabolism (Electron Transport Chain of Escherichia coli)
  • (Nonlinear) population dynamics and infection models (including CoViD-19 pandemic)
  • Modelling of signal transduction
  • Pharmaco-kinetics and pharmaco-dynamics