Data Analysis

Your Problems

One of the most important ways to understand systems behaviour is data acquisition and data analysis. Thus, the underlying processes can not only be analysed but potentially manipulated. The most relevant and established methods for understanding relationships in data origin from the field of statistics and are often subsumed by the term Data Science. Especially in the life sciences there is an increasing number of available data and a continuous development of measurement technology. Therefore, data analysis must be adapted adequately.

Data analysis is particularly helpful for clinical or other trials, including the development of drugs or devices, i.e. also for the implementation of the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

Our Solutions

For us data analysis is the basis for the three subsequent areas of bioinformatics, systems biology and process optimization. We apply adapted statistical methods to analyse the systems based on significant effects in measurement data. If required we can also optimise underlying processes. Applications in that field may be the analysis of diagnosis and therapy, of -omics data as well as of measurement variables of biotechnological (production) processes.

